Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter One--Introduction

故事的緣由是這樣的,最近為了自己的碩論瘋狂的在短時間內接觸了90位患者,大家除了問我有關於髕股關節疼痛的問題外,也問了很多其他的問題。有些時候,說真的...回答的還真沒把握!:P 所以嚕!增設這一個物理治療小網站,大家可以上來問問題,討論一下,交流資訊嚕!

1 comment:

J. said...

It's me , Joel.
Just asking how's going in US recently since our PT last summer .

I had been back to running for a while , but not as good as I was training in your lab.^.^

I had the T-band issue since ING half marathon last Dec.
It's been a long time till now I mistook this pain as runner's keen.(Now I realize it's ITBFS ”髂脛束摩擦症候群”) --therefore I bought a foam roller to smooth my T-band before/after exercises.


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